What is a Sand Scoop? How do you ensure your sand scoop handle remains safe? This is a common question I get from clients, especially when I’m at a beach. The following are questions that I pose to myself and many of my clients. Hopefully, they will use these questions when considering purchasing any type of sand scoop.

Now it is time to start your mission of finding treasurs. One method I use often is by detecting targets under the water. I use metal detectors for this (the type with metal tips rather than just a flat coil). You can also use my trusted sand scoop.
Metal detecting sand scoops: Why? There are many reasons. The main reason is that the sand spoon is larger than a regular beach sifting drum (or roll), which allows for larger targets. It can easily locate items that are right in front of you.
What should I look for when detecting targets under the water? These targets can be found by tilting your beach sifting roller or drum in the direction you desire. To find deeper water, swing your handle further away if the beach is cluttered with fallen branches or other obstacles. You can also try to find targets further underwater by raising your handle above the shallow water and swinging your hand towards the deeper water.
Can I use my wetsand sift with out wetting the scoop? The answer is yes, you can. The key is to tilt the drum so that you don’t get any water on the scoop while you are scanning the sand. The best way to do this is to raise the beach scoop up off the ground so that it’s much higher than you normally would be.
The best beach sand scoops are made to be waterproof. This means that they are designed to be used in wet areas like near the ocean. Waterproof also means that the detector will not leak and contaminate any water you are scanning. Finally, don’t expect your detector to pick up objects that are too heavy for your beach sifting device.